I was going through my yahoo inbox and found Viagra spam with a link to http://doc.google.com/View?id=dfpqm7ft_0tt6xhdd2.

Its nothing new that spammers have been taking advantage of Google. Its just kind of annoying to me that this message was sent on October 30th, today is November 23th and the linked Viagra Google doc is still up ("consult a physician if the link stays up longer than 4 weeks"). Am I to believe that no one has reported this link to Google?

The paranoid part of me wonders if when I went to the link Google Docs helpfully checked my Google cookie and provided my Google email address to the spammer who previously only had my yahoo email. Next time I'm clearing cookies and using a safer browser when following unsafe links. But I digress, the real point here is Google is woefully slow in responding to spam compared to Yahoo. What's up Google? use some of that 20 percent time to stop hosting spammers.